Lighted Christmas Marquee DIY


With the second to last weekend approaching, I'm slightly freaking out over here! I have shopping that I have barely started, parties that I have nothing to wear for, and my christmas tree is still hanging out with just the lights (gotta finish the decorating tonight when I get back from Miami).  All this travel is not helping, when it comes to cross things off my "to-do" list.  However, last weekend I was able to complete this DIY project, inspired by A Beautiful Mess.  When I saw the Christmas Marquee that created, which was a genius idea by the way, I knew I had to make one of my own.  So I did!

The project proved to be a little more work that I have anticipated, but I managed to complete it, with the help of my love, and I couldn't be more thrilled with the outcome.  I used a few different materials, but the general idea was there.  Keep reading to see a "step-by-step" and a few more pics of the end result.

DIY - christmas - marquee - supplies Supplies:

DIY - christmas - marqueeStep 1 - Pour glue into a container for easier use

DIY - christmas - marqueeStep 2 - Paint tacky glue onto the back of the letter

DIY - christmas - marqueeStep 3 - Sprinkle glitter onto wet glue (over a clean sheet of paper so you can easily transfer back in container the glitter you don't use)

DIY - christmas - marqueeStep 4 - Make sure entire surface is covered in glitter

Step 5 - Repeat on all letters, let dry 1-2 hours

DIY - christmas - marqueeStep 6 - Drill holes into letter (this is best done with a partner) Test the drill size you are using before hand to ensure the lights you have will fit in the hole

DIY - christmas - marqueeStep 7 - Repeat on all letters

DIY - christmas - marqueeStep 8 - Spread out letters and begin to arrange phrase on your canvas


DIY - christmas - marqueeStep 9 - Place on canvas

DIY - christmas - marqueeStep 10 - Using craft adhesive, glue each letter to the canvas

DIY - christmas - marqueeStep 11 - Time to get back out the drill and drill the holes in the canvas (one person job)

DIY - christmas - marqueeStep 12 - Insert lights, use tape where necessary to secure the lights.  I had a few lights that would reach to the next hole, those I covered with foil

DIY - christmas - marquee...and ta-da, you're project is complete!

Step 13 - Hang and enjoy!!!

DIY - christmas - marquee

DIY - christmas - marquee


Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!