Daniel Tiger Mozie Cookies Recipe

Daniel Tiger Mozie Cookies, Mozie-mazing cookies, Daniel Tiger easy recipe, pbs kids, casa de fallon recipe

For weeks now, my. boys have been talking about a Daniel Tiger’s Sing Along airing soon. To be honest, I wasn’t really sure what they were talking about, until Fred Rodgers Productions reached out to us to see if we would help spread the word about the new season.

From the brand…

August 17, the newest season of Daniel Tigers Neighborhood kicks off with a special episode, “DANIEL TIGER’S NEIGHBORHOOD: Won’t You Sing Along with Me?”, a timely, music-filled special that helps address some of the challenges and disappointments “little tigers” and their families may be experiencing due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In the special, when Daniel learns he can’t gather with all of his neighbors at the Neighborhood Carnival this year, it leads to a lot of big feelings and questions, including what to do when he misses the people he loves, how to keep himself and others healthy, and how to find ways to enjoy the extra time at home with his family. Mom and Dad Tiger use new and fan-favorite songs from the series to help reassure him – as well as young viewers and their parents at home, who are encouraged to sing along!

Daniel Tiger Mozie Cookies, Mozie-mazing cookies, Daniel Tiger easy recipe, pbs kids, casa de fallon recipe
Daniel Tiger Mozie Cookies, Mozie-mazing cookies, Daniel Tiger easy recipe, pbs kids, casa de fallon recipe
Daniel Tiger Mozie Cookies, Mozie-mazing cookies, Daniel Tiger easy recipe, pbs kids, casa de fallon recipe

With the launch of the new season, the boys and I decided to celebrate with a batch of Mozie-mazing Cookies. So delicious and so easy to make. Such a great treat to make for make for an afternoon snack and perfect to eat while watching Daniel Tiger.

Daniel Tiger Mozie Cookies

Recipe via pbs.org


  • 1 banana, smashed

  • 1/2 cup + 1/8 cup rolled oats

  • 2 tablespoons honey (we used creamed local honey) *

  • 1/4 cup shredded, unsweetened coconut

  • 1/8 cup mini chocolate chips

  • 1/4 cup raisins

*the original recipe calls for 2 tsp of honey but we mistakenly used 2 tablespoons and they turned out perfect.


  1. Preheat oven to 350

  2. Mix everything together. Roll cookie dough into 1-inch balls

  3. Line pan with parchment paper, place cookies 2 inches apart on pan

  4. Bake for 15 minutes

  5. Let cookies cool for 5 minutes on a plate with a paper towel under the cookies to absorb the moisture.

Daniel Tiger Mozie Cookies, Mozie-mazing cookies, Daniel Tiger easy recipe, pbs kids, casa de fallon recipe

Will you be watching the new season of Daniel Tiger’s Neighboorhood? If you have little ones, age 2-5, don’t miss tomorrow timely episode, addressing some of the feelings many of our kiddos are facing these days.

Daniel Tiger Mozie Cookies, Mozie-mazing cookies, Daniel Tiger easy recipe, pbs kids, casa de fallon recipe